Here is a personal one!
My daughter is in love with Shopkins... Like most three to thirty-year old, normal person would!
Those things are adorable!
Well, for her fourth birthday celebration we threw her a Shopkins Fun Party.
We had look everywhere for ideas and ended up with more than we could handle...
Here are a few things we did and a list of those things that we sure could have done but couldn't in the end.
Since we were on a budget, first we printed out the Shopkins Tea Party package provided for FREE at Moose Toys website. That is where we printed the Happy Birthday Bunting from. It also includes cupcake wrappers and a generic invitation. I downloaded it a long time ago, and now I cannot find it in their website. If you need the link you can find it below, just keep reading... just keep reading [Dory singing tune].
We used the poster for Bubbleisha to create our own digital invitation. We could have printed it as a postcard, but decided to just send an evite instead.
We decided to make a jumbo cupcake and dress it as Cupcake Queen, plus several mini cupcakes with just Shopkins eyes to suggest all of the other cupcake characters. It turned out quite nicely!
I do have to confess, we printed a lot of stuff for this party, but since we own a printing business, that was not an issue. Beware, if you don't like to waste a lot of color ink, this might not be helpful to you!
As treats, we found a couple of great sellers on Etsy, that carried digital files with Shopkins theme and actual products, such as Shopkins Lip Balm. We bought the pattern to print out the wrappers for Cheeky Chocolate and Poppy Corn. Oh, and of course, we purchased two sets of lip balms from
Lip Balm Shop on Etsy.
The rest of the printouts we simply found a free image on the internet and blew it up to fit the candies. Make sure you find an image that has a Creative Commons License.
Because it was raining, we couldn't break our piñata, but we were saved by our vending machine!
-We will break that piñata on a sunny day for sure!-
Our vending machine was a take on the all-so-popular punch box found on pinterest. We simply painted and decorated it as a Shopkins Vending Machine. Because we had planned on making this a prize delivery for those that won at the board games, we were ready to use it in substitution of the piñata!
We had a blast! Adults and children alike...
Everyone played the games and when someone won, they had a chance to punch a hole on the box (break through the tissue paper), and get a prize. The prizes included small Shopkins related items, such as pencil toppers and card games, plus some sports balls (stress squeeze balls) and other toys preferred by boys - hid mostly in the blue spots -.
These are the games we played...
Also, we dressed mini soda cans with the image of Soda Pop. Our piñata was indeed a Soda Pop, custom made by a great local piñata place.
A&E Party Solutions.
The food as a Make Your Own Taco Terrie taco bar... with crispy shells and soft warmed maiz tortillas. For drinks we had bottles of sodas served in red Solo cups with straws and umbrellas. You could make a punch, but we wanted it to be very simple. The looks of the Little Sipper were enough!
Ok, now... to what we did not do!
Here is a list of all the things we thought of, but ended up not having time to complete, or it was out of our budget.
- Make mini burgers or sliders and mini hotdogs as Cheesy B and Frank Furter
- Place Shopkins eyes on oranges, pears, peaches, etc...
- Dress sticks of string cheese as Miss Swiss
- Make hot air ballons with the left over baskets of shopkins, filled with candy
- Make Lippy Lips treat containers with Pringles cylinders
- Jell-o shots dressed as Little Sipper
- Slices of watermelon next to an image of Melonie Pips, same goes for all large fruits
- Mini bags of cotton candy dressed as Candi Cotton - you could buy in a large bag and wrap around little lollipop sticks, then bag it as a pop
- Cake Pops dressed as Lolli Poppins
The sky is the limit!!
Now, to be fair, most of my students love Shopkins... I don't see why not use some and all of these in my classroom next time I promise them a party for behavior.
Post your pictures below... I want to see what you come up with at your own Shopkins Party.
Please, please, please... leave a comment that you are using the download and if you can come back and post your pictures in the comment section after you hold your own Shopkins Party!!
Here is the link -
Shopkins Party Download